Besides all that, you'll also need to set up laser traps in the vents, collect Faz-Coins, purchase items from the Prize Counter, and of course, keep an eye on two Pirate Cove curtains at the same time! If you want to complete the ultimate challenges, you'll also have to master other tools, such as a heater, an air conditioner, a global music box, a power generator, and more. Play with any assortment of characters you want, set their difficulty level from 0-20, and then get right into the action! You'll have to manage two side doors, two vents, and two air hoses from your desk, all of which lead directly into your office.

You will once again be trapped alone in an office fighting off killer animatronics in this ultimate FNaF mashup! Five Nights at Freddy's features more than 50 selectable animatronic characters from seven different games, offering almost endless customization possibilities.